10 years ago
Template: seb_events
Calendar template for seblod 3.x
Preview: http://www.codigoaberto.pt/extensions/calendar.png

fields name / positions:
eventdate - field where you indicate the event date.

art_title - event title

popover - free html positions fields where you show a event preview in popover effect.

Download here: https://github.com/codigoaberto/seb_events

05/04/2014 - Template updated now don´t bored with date format in list, template will force the correct format automatically.
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10 years ago
Level 1
Thank you very much for that!

Looks great. Can't wait to try it.

Can we use this as a list template to show our custom content in a calender view?

And moving stuff to github is an excellent idea. I've been asking myself for a long time why Octopoos don't publish Seblod officially on github. Would make collaboration on the code much easier.
10 years ago
Level 2
it´s a list template, use popover position to put free content.
10 years ago
Level 3
This is great news. Will implement it for a project soon.
188 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3
não aparece para escolha 
10 years ago
Level 4
Experimenta fazer new template e verifica se aparece o seb_events na lista, e indica que o template é de "lista / pesquisa"
188 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hello! Good day. His work was beautiful. How do I change the format of mm-dd-yyyy

In Brazil we use > dd-mm-yyyy

Thank you for your time.
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi uriel,

the date format is only for listing, in detail you can choose other date format.
10 years ago
Level 1
The template and all other things work well! Thank you Alberto for sharing it with the communitiy!!!
10 years ago
Level 1
Hello! Thanks for sharing this!
Is it possible to assign more than one eventdate to one Article and repeat it in the List?
I need this for a NGO with unregular recuring events. All of them have a long description but different dates and venues...
thanks a lot!
10 years ago
Level 2
Need some specific changes to work like that.
10 years ago
Level 1
Template updated, now don´t bored with date format in list template will force the correct format automatically.
143 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hello Marcio,

Very nice, it works out of the box!

I just have a question: When there are several events on the same day, I only see the latest one which is listed for that day. So :
1° how do I list all events taking place on a given day?
2° If there are say, 10 events in a given day, will the calender stretch evenly & accordingly vertically to accommodate all the text? 

In any case, congratulations for your achievement so far!


ps. When I put 2 fields in 'popover' there's no <br> or a choice of a separating character (eg. ' - ') separating them. 
10 years ago
Level 3
I know these limitation in javascript array, haven´t time to solve this yet
188 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Eu tenho outros forms para eventos onde utilizo com um sistema de mapas! 

Pelo que vi eu tenho que usar um dado padrão de acordo com o template. 

Gostaria de saber onde mudo para fazer com que sejam os meus campos ? 

10 years ago
Level 2
O template é para listas de items, não tem de alterar campos nenhuns, usa os que tem e coloca nas posições indicadas no template.
188 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

 Tem alguma configuração especial para criar o linnk para o artigo ? 

Popover funciona lindamente. 

10 years ago
Level 2
está correcto. Posso ver directamente no site ?
188 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3
Ele esta em em localhost. 

Se eu mudo o template para o Seb_blog do Seblod (o padrão ). 
Os itens possuem os links normalmente! 

Tenho um outro tema de lista, chamado Gmap3 (para mapas) ele mostra todos os pontos marcados. 
E ele tbm gera o link corretamente. 

Pode ser uma configuração que fiz errado? 


10 years ago
Level 4
Reinstala a ultima versão https://github.com/codigoaberto/seb_events/archive/master.zip
188 Posts
10 years ago
Level 5
Essa última versão esta com um problema na instalação! 

Falta a imagem preview.png 
Eu mexi no arquivo de instalação, (retirei a linha no templateDetails.xml) e instalou normal! 

E agora esta funcionando perfeitamente! Com link. 

3 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hello Marcio,

thank you for this nice event template!

mostly everything works fine, but it shows only the next 2 months for me. without the template all events are listed. Searching for hours now and can't find a solution. have you (or somebody else) an idea for this problem?

thanks & greetings

10 years ago
Level 2

Edit the list template and in results limit put 1000

3 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

Thanks for your reply, but the limit is already set to 99999. 

Still no entry for august.

My search is going on...

10 years ago
Level 4

Live link ?

3 Posts
10 years ago
Level 5

Ok - found it. It was the jform-pagination setting in seblods main-config (list). Changed from 25 to all - everything is fine now.

Thank you for your support. And happy greetings from germany.

10 years ago
Level 1

Fiz da maneira apresentada e funcionou tudo corretamente. Muito útil.

Mas tenho uma dúvida agora:  como fazer quando o evento criado tem mais de um dia ? 

Exemplo: criei um evento que será realizado de sexta-feira até o domingo, mas no calendário só entra a primeira data, mesmo tendo inserido mais de um campo do tipo calendar na área específica. 

Existe alguma maneira para poder ter todos os dias do evento no calendário?


10 years ago
Level 1

Hello this really cool template , but unfortunately could not make it work , I did the following:

  • Template I created and installed in SEBLOD;
  • I created a new Content Type;
  • Put in the Template Content Type I created in the Introduction tab;
  • Put Fields Article Created in EventDate, Article Title and Article EventTitle position in INTROTEXT position in popover position;
  • I created a listing on SEBLOD with the Content Type I created and set;
  • And finally I created this menu lsiatagem;

With that appeared only arrows to change months, missed some configuration?

Thank you all.

10 years ago
Level 2

Hello Guys managed to solve, I saw what was hum model list then changed, and was not giving hum conflict .js then switched to a Call of .js '$doc->addScript ' to '<script ... ></script>'

I know I've questioned here, but I saw it did, is there any possibility to display more than one evendo by date? Has anyone managed to modify that way? Thank you ...

143 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

Hello Caju,

Codigo Aberto and I worked very hard just before the summer on a template system with the intention to get it into the Seblod Store. According to Codigo Aberto it should have been published 2 months or so ago but unfortunately this was before the summer break of Seblod. 

Now Seblod has announced to come back to life again in September, I truly hope this exiting commercial calendar Product will become available in the Seblod store.

Kind regards,


10 years ago
Level 4

Cool, I thought a lot with that schedule, it would be another interesting way rather than list all events of a date, have a marking how many events exist for this date and a link to that list all events. Like a filter by date.

10 years ago
Level 1

Hi everyone,

Doesn't work for me, it isn't recognized as a seblod template, so I could do nothing with it because it says not set as default, just like a seblod tmpl,...

Did I do something wrong or miss something.

Thanks, JJL

175 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Thank you very much for the template Codigo Aberto!


Have you created a Seblod template?

Have you applied the template to a List?

10 years ago
Level 3

Hi, Web castor, of course I didn't, it was written nowhere, should I dig deep in google to find a JSeblod1.3 documentation explaining to me how to install a template in 2004!

Sorry, nothing agains't you, I will try this and I think you got some experience so..

Thanks bY

548 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

@Codigo Alberto

What about this your Calendar template project ? Seem like are two years ago last update..

Hi guys,

More than one time I red about "an offical" Seblod Calendar template, Please, Do you know anything about it ? 

6 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

@Codigo Alberto

it's possible to visualize more than one event in a day? If I insert one event for 01/01/2017 at 08:00 and then one event for 01/01/2017 at 09:00 in calendar I see only the last one...


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