8 years ago

Can we please have some further update on this?  My project is near to go-live and would like to deliver it on J3.5 & PHP7.

At JoomlaDay UK it was suggested it would be 2 weeks away.

I appreciate you were probably waiting for Joomla3.5 release but that has now been out for 2 weeks.

I also appreciate you are not bound by deadlines, I'm just going from the original sticky announcement made for late Dec 2015.

Would just be nice to have a new improved release prediction.

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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1


as far as I know release is now really close, it was first planned for earlier date but with release of 3.5. and php 7 it made sense to get it all at once. It is currently in Release Candidate 15 status and as you can see by yourself development is quite active


But before it will be released all bugs must be fixed, I presume you would agree it is better to release a it later than to introduce new bugs.

Target date is now beggining of the next week, after joomla 3.5.1 release

8 years ago
Level 2

Good to know, thanks.  I'll ask George to get a move on with 3.5.1!


This link is provided in the email 

Topic: Upcoming 3.8 release now 4 months late

but after clicking I am taken to a 404.

Think a '%20' is being added to the link somewhere by your forum system.

56 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1


is there a new release date?

Or is an update to J!3.5.1 possible with SEBLOD 3.7.2 without errors?  


8 years ago
Level 1


SEBLOD 3.8.0 will be released next week.

That's one of our biggest release so far, and we do want the package to include all required improvements/fixes for usability, performance, security, stability.

And so yes it took longer than expected. But trust me, it will be worth it.


43 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2

Great news!=)

8 years ago
Level 3

Terrible news, we go live on Monday!

It was supposed to be out this week...grr, oh well, I guess I won't be asking for my money back.

548 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2

Hi Saba, many thanks for the info :)

116 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2


It was supposed to be released between the 19th and the 21st. It looks like it's delayed some more though. 
Any update as per the availability?

Thanks in advance. 

4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 3

It will be released in few days, it is basically finished, just needs few more tests in different environments as it contains large number of changes

9 Posts
8 years ago
Level 4

За 4 года уже все привыкли). сказали 21, значит 21 числа, вопрос какого месяца только. Со второй версии всегда было так. ко всем заявленным датам релиза смело можно прибавлять 2 месяца.Очень удивлюсь, если к середине мая будет 3.8,  скорее всего июнь

1283 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Hi all

I've been snooping round github checking out the updates.

There have been a lot!

Hoping all community people post their discoveries as they learn them. Don't keep them secret :)


143 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Good morning,

I noticed at 10:50 AM this site is running on Joomla! - Open Source Content Management - Version 3.5.1 after a short break

Cheers and good luck!

8 years ago
Level 1

Dear SEBLOD Team

First of all I would like to thank you for the continous development and supplication of this wonderful CCK. I - and I am sure many others as well - appreciate the great deal of work that you put into developing the free tool! That being said, I also feel that I have to comment on the current situation.

It is now over a month since Joomla 3.5 was released. Beta versions, etc. for developers have been around for much longer. Nevertheless, we are still waiting for a compatible SEBLOD release. This has me a worried for one simple reason: The whole Joomla industry continously preaches to everyone running a Joomla site how crucial regular updates are for site security. In fact, there's now quite a few webhosters that also send out e-mails to their customers, reminding them to update their Joomla websites. At the same time, a large number of my customers is "stuck" with the old version because SEBLOD is not yet compatible with Joomla 3.5. I am starting to get pressure by clients asking why their sites have not been updated - and frankly I can understand their point of view. For years everyone tells them updating is important, and suddenly it is not anymore?

At the same time, you have been promising - in this very thread - a new SEBLOD version "next week" for three weeks now. I have relied on that information and used it to reassure customers that updates will be following shortly. So far, "next week" has always been pushed further out to the next week. I must admit, I find this a bit disappointing.

At the end of the day, I have one big wish for future major Joomla releases: Can you please make sure that SEBLOD works with these releases within a usable timeframe (14 days after release of the Joomla version max). Yes, I am aware that SEBLOD 3.8 will bring many new features that also need to be tested. But in the interest of all sites running Joomla, I think it would have been better to release SBELOD 3.7.3 (compatible with Joomla 3.5) first and then take the time to finish SBELOD 3.8. Many thanks for considering that proposal in the future.

Thanks again for your work and here's hoping SEBLOD 3.8 will be out soon!

8 years ago
Level 2

Yes, the real problem here is not that it's so late after a major Joomla update but that expectations have been so badly managed.  Your point about informing clients hurts in particular because I was doing the same, in the end it got embarassing.

IMHO, extension developers should refrain from making too many feature changes, if any, to their product during a Joomla update period.  I am often left in a situation where I need to upgrade Joomla but first need to upgrade a component to be able to do that, only to find major changes in that component that need additional work to retrain the client or integrate. Bundling things together in a major update only ever ends in tears.

Larger feature changes should be offered as a seperate updat, then people have better choice.

I do appreciate however it is a difficult area.

1283 Posts
8 years ago
Level 3


My thoughts:

When Joomla announces an update in your site, it should come with an additional message "please check with your extension providers first". This omission leads to unrealistic expectations.

Seblod creating updates outside of Joomla updates is tricky. Joomla has an 'as and when' update release cycle, how can you work with that? Not a crticism of Joomla but it's how it is. For all we know Joomla 3.5.2 could be released tomorrow due to a new security release.


8 years ago
Level 4

Yeah, I get it. 

Mostly though, there is plenty of notice for a minor/major update... I'm just pointing out how difficult it can be to integrate when features and compatibility are combined.

i.e. Seblod could have kept 3.5.1 compatibility seperate from 3.8 as a minor release, as Michael_s suggested.

Again, I do get how complicated can be and that Joomla releases can be somewhat spontaneous but where theyre not you guys should consider the above points.

8 years ago
Level 1


Thank you for the messages and thoughts on the update/release process.
Be sure that we try each time to make it as smooth as possible, and yes this time was not the most straightforward update.

It was complicated because of the extensive changes that we included in SEBLOD 3.8.0 and also because of the SQL changes from Joomla! Core itself. Yes maybe a 3.7.3 would have make our life easier on this one. We'll learn from it, and we'll try to do better next time.

Anyway, please enjoy SEBLOD 3.8, and feel free to read the blog post.


8 years ago
Level 2

All good Saba, just a case of managing extpectations.

Great update by the way, updated with no issues, now running PHP7, J3.5.1 & Seblod 3.8.

116 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1


I am having issues on a website that I have upgraded from Joomla 3.3.6 and seblod 3.3.6 to Seblod 3.5.1 and Seblod 3.8.1.

All issues seem to be related to lists and searches.

First I had issues with the pagination when I had multiple tags assigned to the same content item. 

Now my ordering parameters are not taken into account no matter what. My lists are always searched by created date. 

I was wondering if anyone else is facing the same problems.


116 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1


I am having issues on a website that I have upgraded from Joomla 3.3.6 and seblod 3.3.6 to Seblod 3.5.1 and Seblod 3.8.1.

All issues seem to be related to lists and searches.

First I had issues with the pagination when I had multiple tags assigned to the same content item.

Now my ordering parameters are not taken into account no matter what. My lists are always searched by created date.

I was wondering if anyone else is facing the same problems.


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