215 Posts
9 years ago

Hello Fellow Sebloders

Currently running Joomla 3.4.1 / Seblod v 3.4.2, THEN I upgraded to Seblod 3.7.2. (But I also tried with J3.4.5 and upgraded to S3.7.2 and go these same errs.)

Got these messages from joomla extensions area: .... Need I uninstall Seblod first?


Table 'j331r_cck_more_processings' already exists SQL=RENAME TABLE `j331r_cck_more_toolbox_processings` TO `j331r_cck_more_processings`;

Package Update: There was an error installing an extension: plg_content_cck.zip


Error installing package


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215 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Is this topic in the wrong area? Or is there better place to report these errors?

9 years ago
Level 1

Hi cubist,

OK, so I'm not sure why you got this issue while updating the core package, but here is what I would do to fix it, and to make sure everything is okay:
- Extract the ZIP file, and find the SQL updates files in /extensions/com_cck/admin/install/upgrades/

- The SQL query you reported is in the 3.5.0.sql file, so I would start with this one.

- Remove the 1st of 1st 2 queries, and then process others with PhpMyAdmin.

- Then process/import other files from 3.5.1 to 3.7.2

After that, at least we'll be sure to have the correct database structure/data.

Then try to upload SEBLOD core package again on the Joomla! installer. If there is no issue, you're fine.

If there is still an SQL issue, you would need to update one more thing with PhpMyAdmin, before trying to upload it again:
> in the #__extensions table, search for: type="component" AND element="com_cck", and in the manifest_cache column, update the "version" to "3.7.2".
> upload the package again.

Hope this helps.


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