Uploading images with progress bar 51 Postsilga 10 years ago4TopicHi everybody.Is it possible to integrate progress bar when user uploads images? 756 PostsOctopoos - Lioneladministrator 10 years ago1Level 1Hello proelgiz,it's not possible to do that because the upload is not made by Ajax, so we don't have the information on the progress.Eventually, if you want to alert the user on the fact that the upload is in progress, you can display a GIF when the user click on submit.Best regards.Lionel 47 Postszaliyanna 10 years ago0Level 2Hello Lionel how can we add this Gif and where can we add it.Thanks for your reply! 756 PostsOctopoos - Lioneladministrator 10 years ago1Level 1 Hi zaliyanna, you can add some custom javascript code for the event "onclick" of the submit button, in the field configuration (orange arrow), like : $("#fieldID").on('click', function() { // display the GIF });<br> You can add manually (ftp) your gif on the server. regards. Lionel 47 Postszaliyanna 10 years ago0Level 2Thanks for your answer this is realy helpful