37 Posts
5 years ago


i have a joomla website, Joomla version 3.6.4, with seblod 3.10.0.

I'm trying to set up a new server, with php 7.3.3, fcgi  2.3.9 and apache 2.4.

If i try to use "zend_extension = php_opcache.dl", i'm getting a 500 internal server error.

If i comment out the line "zend_extension = php_opcache.dll" , the the website is working properly.

Is Seblod 3.10.0 compatible with opchache? 

Thank you.

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4229 Posts
5 years ago
Level 1

Seblod does not have any problems with opcache, but it does not work on php 7.3 yet as far as I know, you have to use 7.2. Also you are combining ancient Joomla and Seblod versions with new version of php, you need to upgrade both first or you will get errors on any 7.x php version

37 Posts
5 years ago
Level 2


Thank you for your reply.

i know that Joomla and seblod needs udpate.

But it is strange that the website is working with php 7.3.3 without opcache, but it doesnt work with opcache enabled.

Also i'm trying to make some tests with php 5.6.40, so to see if the website works with php 5.6.40 and opcache enabled, but i'm taking an error:

"Error displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error: Could not connect to MySQL."

Is this from mysql 8.0?

It is strange that i have the same website, with the same database, working with php 7.3.3 and it can't work with php 5.6.40.

Any suggestion would be appreciated.

Thank you one more time.



4229 Posts
5 years ago
Level 3

This second error is pure server misconfiguration problem, if mysql is running than you probably forgot to include mysqli or similar driver into your php

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