9 years ago


I'd like to suggest that when a new version is released a special source language also be released, that contains only the changed sourced language files. It is difficult to search for the changed source files (generally the English) if there are changes.

Another suggestion is update the transifex database to see which files have been changed and translate them as soon as the translators can do it.

Thank you!

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9 years ago
Level 1

Regarding Transifex project at: https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/SeblodCCK

- this is now updated and synchronized with GitHub https://github.com/Octopoos/SEBLOD

It is done automatically by Transifex (each day) but Seblod just needs to update their github!

- For the strings changed:

In Transifex you can list all strings from all resources into a single page and then filter by "non translated".

1- In the project frontpage pick the green button to TRANSLATE https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/SeblodCCK/

2- Then pick your language and hit "All Resources" at the bottom

3- You can now filter the way you want

Note: this is also useful to keep consistency in translations as you can filter by a single word or sentence

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