11 years ago
Hello at all,
I use the latest Joomla (3.2.2) and the latest Seblod version (3.3).
As described on this page there must be an improved translation workflow available from a drop down menu in the article overview. But in Joomla 3.2.2 the UI looks like a little bit different and if I push the drop down arrow I only have the choice between "legacy, archive and trash" but no choice like "edit translation" or "translate" like on the page linked below.
Does anyone know where this function is in the latest versions of Joomla and Seblod?

Best regards Jürgen
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10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Jürgen,

Yes sorry..... you are right this is a regression.
It's due to some markup changes on Joomla! 3.2.x, we'll fix it as soon as possible!
If it's not already on the tracker, please add a report there.. this way you'll get notified when it's fixed.

Thanks & Regards,
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Saba
Thanks for the information. I`ll always take a look at the SEBLOD Website everytime I am online, so I`ll see if there is an uptdate available. Its not a big problem at the moment.

Best regards Jürgen
233 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Following...! Very crucial for a current project and final decision on System / CCK / Translation method.
10 years ago
Level 1
Good News!
In the next release of SEBLOD this feature will be reintegrated (Thanks to SABA).
233 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Updated from 3.3.2 > 3.3.3. Could not get it to work. How to activate the feature for Seblod default types and existing articles?
10 years ago
Level 1
This is not in the changelog for 3.3.3.

Will it be fixed in the next release then?
10 years ago
Level 1
Hello @ all,

This is in the changelog:

# Multilanguage Integration issues fixed. (regression since Joomla! 3.2.x)

I have tested it and it works. I have made an English translation of an German article and there were no problems.

Best regards Jürgen
10 years ago
Level 1
Hint: This is what I found out.

This workflow only works if you have added the article association field to your content type!! Otherwise you wont see this option in the dropdown.

Hope this is helpful.
233 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
...article association field to your content type…
Yep, that was my first thought, because it was mentioned in a previous blog post. But, i thought it has to be a part of the updated default content types… i mean, that is what I would expect. Isn't it a Seblod/core feature in new installations?
10 years ago
Level 3
No its not a core feature because you only need it if you want to create a multilingual site. You have to add it manually (only if needed) and it is not as a standard in the content types.  I think it would be much more complex to integrate it automatically without adding a field because the SEBLOD Team have to rewrite a lot of codes and thats probably the reason for doing it this way. But it works and thats the main thing.
What I would prefer is the possibility to change also the category automatically. For example you write an article in English which is in the category products. If you make a translation to German via the workflow it not only changes the language code, it also changes the German category "Produkte" automatically (if you have linked the 2 categories). That would be great.
85 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi everybody,
i added the Associations field (JForm) to my article content type but i can't see any dropdown menu in backend article menager...
10 years ago
Level 2
Have you activated the Joomla standard multilanguage plugins?
85 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3
Yep, system language code and filter with associations activated.
The site is multilingual.
10 years ago
Level 4
Have you also activated the Seblod multilanguage switcher in the general options (Tab Integration at the bottom) ?

10 years ago
Level 2
This is how i made it work.
  • Global configuration > SEBLOD > Integration > Multilanguage > Yes
  • Extensions > Plugins Manager > System - Language Filter > Item associations > Yes
  • Add "Article Language (Jform - Content Language)" and "Article Associations (JForm - Associations) fields under admin in SEBLOD "Form & Content Type".

I also wanted to set standard language for my articles so i added an live value to Article language field "Article Language (Jform - Content Language)" > 2 > Live Value > sv-SE (use the duble arrow to choose language)".
85 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Thank you Jürgen and abc123,
i didn't know i had to activate Multilanguage in Seblod. I'll try and let you know. ;)
10 years ago
Level 1
I can also recommend you to activate the JText Option. It makes your life much easier especially if you are using more the one foreign language on your site. Copying content types for each language will end up in a mess and if you are making changes in a content type you have to correct every content type in every language. FORGET THIS - IT WILL DRIVES YOU CRAZY!!!!!
To use the JText option you have to enable it in the general options of Seblod.
For the translations write all youre labels, descriptions etc. in uppercase letters (f.e the email adress label as EMAIL). Then make a language file for administration and site and put this language file in the override folder of the languages. One override for each language! In the language file you have to add the syntax COM_CCK_ before your JText field. For the email label it should be written like this:

COM_CCK_EMAIL="Your email"

Do this with all your fields.

Best regards Jürgen
85 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Wow Jürgen, very detailed explanation :)
Thank you so much.

Regards and happy Easter
10 years ago
Level 2
  • Global configuration > SEBLOD > Language > JText > yes
Great practice to use uppercase for custom translated.
It works if labels are in lower case but the override variables always need to be uppercase even if your label is lowercase.
Label email in lowercase would still be COM_CCK_EMAIL="Your email".
If there's no label then title will be used instead, you can't use non english letters or special characters except space in label or title (the one that will be used for an language override, you could add an correct label to an title with non english letters but it's still best to only use english alphabet and numbers)  if you want to override (translate) the string.
If you use title and add an label then the translation will stop working unless the new label is already translated, also remember that admin, site, intro and content can use different labels and changing only the one in the view your working in will lead to that another view will still use the same label as before and not the "new" label.
If that wasn't enough there are different overrides for the backend and frontend, so good structure of your translation work will pay in the end. 
I will try the uppercase practice on custom translated strings because then i get a better overlook on which feilds use custom translation.
Thanks for the tip Jürgen.
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