215 Posts
9 years ago

Hello Fellow Sebloders,

Thx for reading my topic. I have been using the Search Query product to search single fields in a native Joomla dB table, BUT want to expand the query by searching 2 or more fields an e-commerce database (non-Joomla) table/s.

E.g. let's say I need to search for a heater, which has a minimum and maximum output.

I want to allow the visitor to search for minimum output >= 100 and a maximum =< 220.

Since these fields exist in a non-Joomla dB. I need:

#1 -- use a non-Joomla connection to the database

#2 -- construct a SQL query for 2 or more fields.  Wondering if there is a way to do this so fields may be added to the SQL query string ONLY IF the user as actually entered data into the field ?

Is this best product "Search Query" to do this with?

Here is SELECT SQL query I have used to match one field when the user has entered data into one field.

SELECT a.int_sku, a.wci_sku, b.fti_sku, b.description, a.qty_onhand, a.qty_alloc FROM #__cck_free_form_xref_qty AS a JOIN #__cck_free_form_xref AS b ON a.fti_sku = b.fti_sku WHERE [MATCH]a.fti_sku||$uri->getValue('x_fti_sku')[/MATCH]

Thx much

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215 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Come on moderator, sell me the right plugin. ;-) thx

1 Post
9 years ago
Level 2

Howdy Cubist, how ya doing? I myself am interested in coming back to Seblod (tried it in 2012 and it seems like it has evolved since as I have some big plans)  in the ability to do what you are after also. Thing is, I see you have been waiting 5 days for a reply here....Me? Been waiting 2 weeks from a reply from Sales side of things before I drop any $$$ into this.

If interested? Toss me an e-mail as i have a solution for you you can use if you need to get what you want now.


PS.. Happy Birthday 2 days ago.

215 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

I ended using this query

SELECT wci_sku, fti_sku, description, qty_onhand, qty_alloc FROM #__cck_free_form_xref WHERE `wci_sku` LIKE '%$uri->getValue('x_wci_sku')%'

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