Dynamic Pagination in front end? 67 PostsMario Adrian 10 years ago6Topic Hello is there anyway to create a dynamic pagination in front page? something like this, the "show X entries" 923 Postspulsarinformatique 9 years ago0Level 1Hisame question here ... still no answer ?thankscyril 4229 PostsKadministrator 9 years ago1Level 1Just add field named "limit" with storage None to the search form 103 Postsshubhaanshu 8 years ago0Level 2Great !it is working !Thanks Klas ! 923 Postspulsarinformatique 8 years ago0Level 1Hinot sure it works on free searches (search query plugin). Can you confirm please ?thankscyril hurin 8 years ago0Level 1Hi, i just tested it on Joomla 3.6.5, seblod 3.10, on a simple articles search, and it seems to me it doesn't work anymore,....Has anyone tested it on this seblod's version ?Thanks,Hurin 923 Postspulsarinformatique 8 years ago0Level 1Hifound: in the search form config tab you have to select "use native" in the pagination field !cyril