4 Posts
5 years ago


I created a form to save data in a table. I would like to edit the data in Frontend. For this I created a List&Search with edit-Button. This works, when I but the link to Form and behind the + "Content Type (Form) = inherited". But when I choose a specific form, the data gets not loaded into the form and the form is empty. What do i do wrong?

Thanks for you help, Pascale

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4229 Posts
5 years ago
Level 1

Form needs to match content type of the item so inherited is just the right thing, you can't expect to load e.g data from user content type into gallery content type?

4 Posts
5 years ago
Level 1

Thanks of you answer. that's what I thought. I wanted to open the saved data in a different form to add new data from an other person. I solved the problem to meet requirements now with Overrides (Live/Variation) in the menu items.

best regards, Pascale

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