3 Posts
11 years ago

Hi There,

I am using Seblod in a website and after upgrading to the newest version of Joomla! and Seblod I am experiencing an issue.

Category is Televisions and the sub-categories are the tv-models, in these sub-categories the Articles are stored per tv-model.
The menu Televisies, gives an overview of all the sub-categories, with their sub-category descriptions, in the categroy Televisions.
In these sub-category descriptions there is some text and a Seblod List module is displayed with Modules Anywhere plugin from NoNumber.
Modules anywhere calls the list-module and passing through the Cat_id parameter.

The code used is: {module 'modulename'|live-art_catid='category id'}

In Seblod old version it worked correct, but not anymore in the new version.

Now site is updated to Seblod 3,  Joomla! 3.1.5, same Yootheme template etc.

The overview of the categories is still showing the description text and the module (is a table constructed with Seblod), but the headers of the table are repeated for the categories displayed on the 3rd and 4th position.
Then for categories displayed in position 5 and 6 the headers are shown 3 times and for the categories displayed on the positions 7 and 8 the headers are displayed 4 times.

When you move a category from let's say 5th position to the first or second second spot it is displayed correct, but the one moved to the 5th position gets the triple headings.

Example can be seen at: http://beo.mirantinhosting.nl/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=10&Itemid=109

I can supply an entry to enter the backend of the site if needed.

Thanks in advance,
Peter den Hertog
Mirantin Websites


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3 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Friendly bump.....

3 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Issue is solved, was a config issue, which you can search for multiple days when there is little to nothing on documentation.

It is a pitty, Seblod is a beatiful system and I really think you can lower the entry-level by good documentation.

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