9 years ago

i am just curious if it is possible to hide the search form on the search result page? 

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154 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

You can set a field to hidden in the search/list type or you can override it in the menu for the search/list type.

9 years ago
Level 2

I have tried this approach. If I hide the form, then I am not able to perform a search, as it is hidden. Menu link for seblod search type is on left menu, when clicked, search form shows up on 'mainbody'. I fill my search criteria, hit submit, and i get results with the form still there. What I want to happen is, Perform search, then results of search get displayed as seb_table on some other page or with the absence of the form.

i have found solutions, but they are for seb 1.x

154 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

Your best bet may be to combine it with a SEARCH module and then set the Menu Item target to a page where that module is not displayed,  and/or to hide that module with some css.

9 years ago
Level 4

First of all thanks for your help and suggesions!

CSS sounds like the easiest route. Would I make a new css file for this? Or what css file would need to be modified?

154 Posts
9 years ago
Level 5

Try adding (for example)

.cck_page_search {display: none;}

(to the css in the list/blog/table template you use for the search. (there is a css folder in that template folder where you can create a custom.css file and add it).

If you have Mozilla Firebug or equivalent you can test it on this page


and you will see the search form disappears.

154 Posts
9 years ago
Level 6


Depending on your configuration you can also turn off the SEARCH FORM in the LIST TEMPLATE - CONFIGURATION SETTINGS. ( or you can use an override in your menu). This can be combined with CSS if necessary.

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