10 years ago
Hey Seblod team,

Today I bought the license for the seb_map and address to coordinates plugins and they really seem very powerful to me. As I am a Seblod newbee, I really can't get it to work...I've searched through the whole forum and found similar problems, but somehow, I cannot find an answer to my particular problem, which doesn't seem that difficult actually. ;-)

Hopefully someone can help me. All I would like to do is the following:

1. A user can enter his/her name, university and the address of the university in a form. The address is automatically converted into google-readable coordinates (latitude and longitude) and displays the google map with the specific marker at the same time. Then the user can send the form to be stored into the database/table.

2. A user can search for a certain university (based on the database that was filled in 1.) and as result, all names of the people who went to that university are displayed + the marker on the google map is shown.

So far, I already managed to have a form (form & content type) which actually stores data in the database, but the latitude and longitude fields always stay empty. (so the address to coordinates doesn't seem to work).
For the result display (List & Search Types), I only managed to show the default google map with the coordinates for Paris, which is already predefined in the template parametres. So it's not dynamic...
I've been trying it for 4 hours now, but I can't get it to work.

The address to coords doesn't seem to work...
...and displaying coords from the database in google maps doesn't seem to work.

It would be great if anyone could help!

Thank you very much in advance!

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10 years ago
Level 1
Hello lisacg,
welcome on SEBLOD Forum.

The address is automatically converted into google-readable coordinates (latitude and longitude) and displays the google map with the specific marker at the same time.

With the plugin field "Address to coordinate", the request to google is done when the form is submit.

A user can search for a certain university (based on the database that was filled in 1.) and as result, all names of the people who went to that university are displayed + the marker on the google map is shown

To display the Result in two way:
  • List of people
  • Map

you have to create two List& Search.
  • First, make the List Search with the template you need (table, blog, ...) and be sure thet it work like you want.
  • Second, duplicate this list and change the template for the map template.
Then make your menu item linked on the Search List, and display the Search Map in a Joomla module.

So far, I already managed to have a form (form & content type) which actually stores data in the database, but the latitude and longitude fields always stay empty. (so the address to coordinates doesn't seem to work).

First thing, the plugin Field "Address to Coordinate" work only on Joomla 3.x, because on J2.5.x the librairie google is not include.

Now, to make it working, you have to create two text field in you form (lat, lng) and put them in the hidden position.
In the field "Address to Coordinate", put the name of those two text field.
It will working.

For the result display (List & Search Types), I only managed to show the default google map with the coordinates for Paris, which is already predefined in the template parametres. So it's not dynamic...

sorry but i don't understand what you say here. The template seb_map don't display anything if you don't have result in your search.
The only coordinate that are predefined in template parameters are simply the center of the map at the first display. If you want to center the map on an other place, just change those coordinate.

The address to coords doesn't seem to work...
...and displaying coords from the database in google maps doesn't seem to work.

It's working well on lot of website, so if it's not working for you it's more due to the configuration of your content type, fields, ...
So perhaps, you can explain us how you have store all your fields.

Best regards.
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