10 years ago


I would like to have list types, showing users:

1 - I would like to have the ordering random.

2 - I would like to show only users assigned as author.

3 - I would like to have each list showing one of the user type based on a radio button field: ( ) students ( ) teachers ( ) schools

So at the end having:

list one: author users, teachers, random ordering

list two: author users, students, random ordering

list three: author users, schools, random ordering

How could i achive that? Thanks!

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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi diogowernik,

Do you want to search by user group which has an author group? Or do you want to show only current user's created articles similar to this post?

Are the students, teachers, & schools categories?



10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Randy,

Thanks, but look like that the post that you show to me is a diferent case!

Here is the link with one of the lists i want to set: http://yoga.brasilia.vc/professores-de-yoga-em-brasilia

So it is a list from the same category: Users

Students, Teachers and Schools is a radio field that i call:  Type_of_user

1 - Now this list show all users, the registred, the authors, the super users -> I would like to show only authors.

2 - Now this list show aways the alphabetic order -> I would like to show random order

3 - Now this list show students, teachers and schools (radio button simple) -> I would like to show only teachers.


10 years ago
Level 1


I get how to select results based on a field..

Search List -> #2 -> select the value!

What should i do if i want to select two values? i was able to select just one value!

10 years ago
Level 1


I will put some images here to see if it gets more clear:

1 - Now this list show all users, the registred, the authors, the super users -> I would like to show only authors (give up of this idea, found other better solution)

2 - Now this list show aways the alphabetic order -> I would like to show random order

here is the ordering place, i only have the options ascending or descending, would be possible to have it random... any tips? have to be developed this possibility?

3 - Here is the search form, i would like to select two options, but if i select two options i get no results, if i select only one option i get results.... What i have to do to have this working with two options? This is a checkbox field.

10 years ago
Level 1

Hi again,

1 - Solved (found another way)

2 - Solved (i found that is possible to do thar throught module and that solve my problem)

3 - How to select more than one field value for showing in the list... in this example would be COM_CKK_Professor_de_Yoga Or Com_CKK_Professora_de_Yoga

10 years ago
Level 1

I found this field, maybe it can help!

but i could not figure out how to use: http://www.seblod.com/products/8076 


4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Having mutiple checkboxes selected should already be working as OR operator,if not try going to Match&Stage and set MAtching to "Any words".

Here is some info about how to use Search operator plugin


693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2


Depending on how you want to present your data, another method that you can use is a List Module:

Hope that helps,


10 years ago
Level 1

Hi diogowornik,

Have you found a solution for your need?
Would you like to maintain opened this topic?


10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Mehdi,

yes sure, i could not solve yet the issue...

3 - How to select more than one field value for showing in the list... in this example would be COM_CKK_Professor_de_Yoga Or Com_CKK_Professora_de_Yoga... i get no results, i tryed also mach and results to "any word" and no results too... am i missing something? i don't know how to use search operator and didn't understand the tutorial :) thanks a lot for the help!

10 years ago
Level 3

Hi diogowernik,

In order to have the list of articles you want, you should select Match operator "Any Word". You should also click on "+" after you select this operator.
A lightbox appears. You can add "," (comma) as a separator.


10 years ago
Level 4


Was just the comma detail that i was missing!

thanks a lot!

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