9 Posts
7 years ago

Please can you help me to configure normal navigation on the site?
I use only Seblod Forms and Lists (not Joomla content). And for my tests I use only default form "Article" and lists type "Articles" without changes, exept adding of "art_catid field" to Search Form.

I made menu items "Home", "Cat1", "Cat2", ...
"Home" - List&Search menu type with list "Articles" and without changes in "Overrides (Live / Variation)", so this menu item displays all articles
"Cat1", "Cat2",.. configured similarly but in "Overrides (Live / Variation)" I added category IDs to filer list of articles.

How to set up Seblod to open "content->view" links on Home-page in corresponding menu items?
E.g. when I click on "Article Title" in the list of articles on Home-page, and this article is in "Cat1" category, I want to see URL "/cat1/article-alias" and menu item "Cat1" with class ".current.active"

Sorry for my clumsy English :)

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