332 Posts
9 years ago

Hi everyone,

I've seen some posts and articles around regarding getting fully clean output from Seblod when working with templates. 

I've tried most of the suggestions found. Some working partly, some not working at all. I've never managed to come completely clean from all those divs.

Anyone succeeded with this?

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9 years ago
Level 1

Hello Kenneth,

thank for your post.

I would say "succeded to do what ?"

Each template have its own advantages and inconvenience, depending on what is the need

For list templates, it's totally in function of the view you need.

Effectively, the template seb_blog need to be updated, to be more responsive. 

But instead, you can use the seb_list which more simple.

After that, for the content, or item view you can use the seb_minima and create your own layout by using the plugin field "DIV" around your other fields.

On other solution is to work with Position Override and Variation, so you can do exactly what you need.

it is a strength of SEBLOD to have not a single solution, but multiple solutions for each case

Best regards.


9 years ago
Level 1

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