332 Posts
9 years ago

On http://www.seblod.com/v2/2189-helpful-faqs-work-in-progress.html I read this:

Is this still true;

Also, you shouldn't name your content type and search type the same name if you are making template overrides! If the machine name, which is created from our original name is the same for both, you won't be able to template each seperately. Tip: I usually add the word "search" to the end of all my search types to ensure they are different.

Is this still true?

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4229 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Lists and forms use different templates so it is no likely this would have any effect. Also there is a folder structure for overrides that has view name in the path so you can have name/list/position.php for lsit and name/site/position.php for site form.

332 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Thanks! That's what I thought as well, but needed some affirmance. 

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