10 years ago
Hello everyboy,

My Seblod learning process is just an endless set of question....
I will try to describe my last problem

I have a list of items that I want to display and a div under the list allowing to diplay details about the item selected.
I'm trying to modify the template "seb-table" to match with my requirements.

The following code display the list of items (sorry for the indentation) :
<table id="list" <?php echo $class_table; ?>>
$i = 0;
foreach ( $items as $item ) {
<tr <?php echo ${'class_row'.($i % 2)}; ?> data-id="<?php echo $item->getValue('id'); ?>">
foreach ( $positions as $name=>$position ) {
$fieldnames = $cck->getFields( $name, '', false );
$multiple = ( count( $fieldnames ) > 1 ) ? true : false;
$html = '';
$width = '';
if ( $isFixed ) {
$width = $cck->w( $name );
$width = ( $width ) ? ' width="'.$width.'"' : '';
foreach ( $fieldnames as $fieldname ) {
$content = $item->renderField( $fieldname ); // todo: markup from $cck->renderField()
if ( $content != '' && ( $multiple || $item->getMarkup_Class( $fieldname ) ) ) {
$html .= '<div>'.$content.'</div>';
} else {
$html .= $content;
echo '<td'.$css[$name].$width.'>'.$html.'</td>';
<?php $i++; } ?>

It's the original code, I have not modified any line except the data-id attribute.
<tr <?php echo ${'class_row'.($i % 2)}; ?> data-id="<?php echo $item->getValue('id'); ?>">

Of course this function "getValue" does not work...
I would like to add a hidden attribute to read the id of the element when a user click on the table row.
I have done all the necessary stuff with JQUERY for the ajax part.
My only problem is to get the id value of the element displayed in the row.

I have no idea about the functions reachable with the variable $cck.
Declaration :
$cck = CCK_Rendering::getInstance( $this->template )= CCK_Rendering::getInstance( $this->template )
$items = $cck->getItems();

According to you, is it a simple way to get the id?

Important note: In the backend I did not load an id field, I would like to access to the column 'id' of the SQL table

Thanks a lot
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10 years ago
Level 1
I'm doing so many tests without any result for the moment.
echo $cck->get('id');
echo $cck->get( 'id' )->value;

Impossible to get the id of the item in the list. Someone has an idea?

Thanks a lot.
10 years ago
Level 1
Ok I have a result when I try the following code:
echo $cck->id;


It's not what I was looking for.

My list of items shows some data coming from the table mySite_cck_store_form_product_offer
In this table I have a column id (for identification). I just want to collect this id in order to launch an ajax script displaying more information about the item selected by the user.
Do you have any idea?

10 years ago
Level 2

<tr <?php echo ${'class_row'.($i % 2)}; ?> data-id="<?php echo $item->id; ?>">

10 years ago
Level 3
Thanks very much for your help!
Unfortunately it does not work...
I have still the following result:
<tr class="list-row-pair" data-id="">

This problem drives me crazy.
10 years ago
Level 4
Add "article id" to the list view, then:
<tr <?php echo ${'class_row'.($i % 2)}; ?> data-id="<?php echo $item->get('art_id')->value ;?>
10 years ago
Level 5
Codigo Aberto, you are my hero!
It's working perfectly, I have just one last question.
When I add "article id" to the list view, the id is visible on my page. Is it possible to hide this field?
In the backend I can't find the option.
Thanks very much for your help



10 years ago
Level 6
In label put "clear", variation choose "Empty" and in Typography choose "none".
10 years ago
Level 7
Almost! But it seems difficult.
Test 1) - label = "clear", variation = "Empty", Typo= "none"

Test 2) - label = "clear", variation = "Empty", Typo= "transparent"
Even with the test 2) I have a blank td cell. Do you think that I will need to adapt manually the template code source?
10 years ago
Level 8
Use Test 1 and put Article id in column C with Article Date
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