4 Posts
11 years ago

in my index.php of the joomla template I want to make some changes if a certain seblod content type gets displayed (content view). My problem is that all the information I'd like to get is in the cck rendering object '$cck' but I only get access to this one in the seblod template and not the joomla template (for obvious reasons). Is there any solution to find out if a certain seblod content type gets rendered in the joomla template (jdoc include type: component)?

For now I simply use an exclusive category (catid) for that content type since I can easily get that information in the joomla template with $_GET. But I don't like that solution much since if I'd create a new category that uses as well that item type I'd have to make changes in the template again. I could as well use jquery to do the changes, but since I prefer a page to display properly with javascript disabled I'm not happy with that solution either.

Any ideas / hints most welcome :)
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11 years ago
Level 1
Hi Jens,

Thank you for your post.
I don't understand why you would like to make changes on the general template of your website but not in SEBLOD template.
Can you explain us more?

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