11 years ago


Is the fabulous SEBLOD team working on a bootstrapped template?

Since J!3.x depends heavily on the bootstrap framework it would make sense to replace the old seb_blog template with one that uses the bootstrap logic.



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11 years ago
Level 1

Hi gebeer,

We wait the version 3.0 of Bootstrap inside Joomla.


43 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2


just wanted to say that this will streamline many peoples workflow a lot. Good decicion indeed!:)

11 years ago
Level 1

Hello Alex,

good decision.

thank you for letting us know.

I, too, prefer BS 3 with flat design.

251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
11 years ago
Level 1

Bootstrap v3 will a it nightmare since they start to change typos... We will see

179 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1
Hello! Is there any progress on making the markup Bv3 compatible or should we start individually making our own template overrides?

11 years ago
Level 1

As far as I am aware, Joomla Devs decided to go with Bootstrap 2 vor Joomla 3.x. So I guess it will take long time until Joomla/Seblod is using BS 3 natively.

So you are better off starting your own template overrides.
10 years ago
Level 1
Better use uikit since have more future backward compatibility
10 years ago
Level 1
Since Joomla 3 integrates Bootstrap, using it makes sense if you want to be compatible with Joomla standard template layout features.

Using other frameworks on top of BS usually requires more template modifications.

There are many good frameworks like uikit out there. Which one to use depends on personal choice, I guess.
27 Posts
Vio Cassel
10 years ago
Level 1
When the project uses Joomla! 3 + Seblod, then there is no sense what the CSS framework is used. In Seblod ALL customized to suit any needs.
We use UIKit for their projects and are very happy. With UIKit nicer to work and it is more flexible than Bootstrap.
I think the Seblod developers must create templates so that they can be used with any CSS framework, and not to focus on the use of only Bootstrap.
10 years ago
Level 1
I think the Seblod developers must create templates so that they can be used with any CSS framework, and not to focus on the use of only Bootstrap.
I totally agree!

With latest version of Seblod, we can choose to include the Seblod styles or not. This is a big step forward for developing with our own frameworks.
10 years ago
Level 1
The problem is not only the template but the variations, we are make a seb_uikit variation to replace seb_css3 variations.
10 years ago
Level 1
@Codigo Aberto

your variation sounds very interesting. Would you be willing to share it with the community? That would be awesome.
10 years ago
Level 1
Correct me if I am doing wrong, but I guess a lot of HTML-Markup comes out from plugins. In this case you have to rewrite the plugin markup to Bootstrap classes.
For example if you want to rewrite the form-inputs to the Bootstrap Form-Markup-Classes without all the Seblod Divs around you have to change the HTML-Markup where it comes from - and I guess this will be a plugin.
But I am not sure.
10 years ago
Level 1
The HTML in Seblod forms is generated from the different Seblod templates.

You can get rid off almost all the Seblod divs. How to do it can be found in this topic.
10 years ago
Level 2
hello Gebeer,

sorry for the late response! I dont mean the divs around - I know that they come out from the template and therefore I only use custom templates with Bootstrap 3 classes.
What I mean is the HTML-markup of the field itself.
For example you create a contact form with Seblod and you have a lot of inputs for name, email, subject and so on.
If you output these formfields in your custom form template in the way of $cck->get('myformfield')->form you have only the Seblod classes in it, but not the Bootstrap css-classes.
I use PHP to manipulate the classes according to Bootstrap classes.
This is what I mean. The HTML markup of the field itself and this markup comes out from the field plugin (as far as I know).

Best regards Jürgen
10 years ago
Level 3

yes, the field markup comes from the field plugin.

You can control it by taking the "_markup.php" file from template seb_one.
Copy it to your_template/fields folder.
Rename it to "markup.php".
Follow the instructions in the file to adjust it for your needs.

And variations might come into play, too.
10 years ago
Level 4
Thanks for the hint, I have tried it long ago, but I got always a blank page by using markup.php. Now, a lot of time was elapsed and will try it once more. :-). Maybe it will woke this time.

Best regards Jürgen
251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
10 years ago
Level 1
i build my own seblod template with bootstrap 2 (spinx) and 3(col-md) format.. check here http://dxc-server.com/sahamania/index.php , it's using the bootstrap3 format
10 years ago
Nice Job!
Do you have any plans on releasing this or is it just for your own use?

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