9 years ago

Hello, sorry for posting this topic because I have seen another user (Brazilian like me) with the same problem. I used the SEBLOD to modify the original form of joomla (mine is 3.4.6, PHP 5.3. And SEBLOD 3x) I can see the right form at the front end. The problem is that the template appears Backend not found. Moreover, can not modify the fields in the Admin form. I try to modify and save and SEBLOD leaves not change. The fields are not fixed in the admin form. I could air a hand? Thank you in advance to help

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9 years ago
Level 1

Hi Cyberghost,

welcome on SEBLOD forum.

When fields are not saved in the form, usually it's due to the environnment variable "max_input_var". Have a look ion this side.

Instead  of modifying the original "Article" content type, it's better to duplicate It with a name corresponding to your need.

Then you can modify this new content type, and always keep the article proper.



9 years ago
Level 2

Thank you for Lionel attention,Unfortunately, I do not know where to find the "max_input_var". This is in PHP My Admin, right?

The article you talking about is the user's original form Joomla? Because it was from him that I changed, just by entering a few parameters.

As I talked, the front end is fine, and then the backend is giving this error. My registration Super User opens properly but the other entries that I created to test is that is giving problems, including some characters in html between user names, but the main problem is "Ooops. Template not found" on the backend, do can view the logs of users and can not modify the admin form, because, however much I try, when saved, it returns the same thing.You gave me a hint to duplicate the original, correct form?

Can you explain in more detail how I do this? (excuse my ignorance). Finally, I congratulate the wonderful staff of SEBLOD by this stupendous tool).

P.S. I read the recommended tutorials for you. I had moficado other form on a site 2.5 with SEBLOD and had no problem. Greetings and Merry Christmas to all.

9 years ago
Level 3

Hello Lionel, I was thinking of how to fix the problem template not found on my website backend. Last Christmas, I sat today and rummaged around the SEBLOD Forum to finding a solution and finally found a way: a user had a similar problem and the Web one has a solution that I applied. I was in PHP My Admin, in cck_core_types table and user, altereio admin template (which had a value of 0) to 29 (seb_one ID on my site) and ... it worked! (I could even drop fires now, but I'll leave for the New Year). I'm not completely happy for one thing: I can not change the Admin Form fields at all. Just missing it. If you can ma lend a helping hand, I will be eternally grateful. Brazilian greetings.

9 years ago
Level 4

One more thing: I can edit and save another form I created here. Redid the original and could even put it in place of another who has this problem. It is possible to do this? Thank you again.

9 years ago
Level 5

Thanks for the attention of all the SEBLOD. 

As I was told and researching a little on this site, I discovered that the problem was really in max_input_vars, I put in my php.ini site. with a little help from the support of my accommodation, I solved the problem. 

A big hug to all of SEBLOD for this wonderful component and take this opportunity to wish you a Happy 2016 to everyone.

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