11 years ago

Hi all,

I try different Seblod templates with my different form and views. When I go on Joomla template manager, all templates i tried are created on each view !!!

It's impossible to manage them ! I have to many seblod templates :

No way to delete template in manager when I change it in my form view ?


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11 years ago
Level 1

Hi xelory,

Yes it's possible to manage seblod templates starting from "Construction => Templates" admin menu.
You can define the name and the type of this template (form/content and list) for SEBLOD.
Why would you like to remove seblod templates ?


11 years ago
Level 1

Hi Mehdi,

Yes I know it's possible to manage templates. I would like to know why every time I try an existing template in in a view, a new template is created in the manager in this view ? I need to delete everyone after trying it ?


11 years ago
Level 1

Hi xelory,

It's not templates but styles !

The target is to have a style for each content type and each view of the content type.

And yes, we can imagine in the near future to have parameters to hidden them in the style manager.


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