143 Posts
10 years ago


I'm not very satisfy with the default date picker of Seblod. (Graphic is "moche" :) and sometime it get very strange value i'm not waiting for. Anyway, most of time it works, so i can work with. But i would like to try to work with the UiKit DatePicker as i'm working with a Yootheme template on Warp 7.

For that, UIkit recommand to add the data-uk-datepicker attribute to an <input> element. (like we can read here )

But i don't know where to put this attribute. I have already tried in "Stuff" Custom Attributes" but didn't get anything there...

For info, i have tried a lot of other tips from Uikit like Bouton-group, select-box, wich works great you can see here..

So i just wonder if anyone could have a suggestion to help me here ? Thanks by advance...

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