9 years ago

There are a number of ways to receive support for SEBLOD.

Extensive Documentation, Manuals and Tutorials

Detailed documentation including written manuals, videos, case-specific tutorials and documentation on SEBLOD extensions are published on SEBLOD.com to help you learn the software. Community members are also free to contribute their own knowledge in the form of tutorials to the website.

Community Forums

SEBLOD.com features free, community forums that are available to all registered users. Here, users can post questions and receive support from other members of the community at no cost. SEBLOD professionals -- like those at Octopoos -- will frequently answer questions on these forums, however support in this manner should not be expected.

VIP Club Forums

For members of the SEBLOD VIP Clubs, private, app-specific forums are available to give assistance for SEBLOD apps as part of the membership offer. These forums are visible and accessible to registered members who have purchased a SEBLOD VIP Club membership. Responses given on these forums are from trained SEBLOD professionals and can typically be expected within 2 business days.

Support Packages

SEBLOD support packages offer 1 on 1 support with a SEBLOD professional from Octopoos. These packages can be purchased in blocks of 5, 10, 20 or 40 hours. This is support and access to expertise that you cannot find anywhere else from the people who created SEBLOD itself.

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