9 years ago


I'm working on a Joomla! 3.4.1 site, with seblod 3.7.0 Beta 6, and i created a list template that i used as a list, with a button in this list, and my template was working just fine, until i decided to show not only the list but also the search form, and then i've no idea why, but the button in my list now launch the search, just like the button in my search form O_o

My button is NOT in the search form, it's in the divs => <div id="system" class="cck_page_list cck-clrfix"><div class="cck_page_items"> 

I don't understand this behavior at all, is that a bug ? 

I would gladly give more info on my problem if anyone is willing to help cause i'm a bit lost here ^^

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