143 Posts
9 years ago

Hi Seblod,

I have done a directory where user from a website can enter some information (Compagny, Ph, Email, etc)

When user connect to the website, he can see his page with HIS info on a "user-homepage"  (With a "Created By" field in Search fields and "User" on "2").

That's work great.

Now I would like to regularly sent this infos to each user so they can see if there's anything to update and come to website to proceed.

As the Module from the search list i created need the user to be connect, i don't know how to proceed via a newsletter.

The component i'm using for Newsletter is Acymailing 4.9.4 on Joomla 3.4.3 - Seblod 3.7.0.

I would appreciate any help here, or usggestion, maybe just an indication ? 

Thanks in advance...

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