10 years ago


Here an exemple of the content of my field:

<br />::piecegroupdates::2::/piecegroupdates::<br /><br />::date_sup|0|piecegroupdates::2015-02-12 11:10:00::/date_sup|0|piecegroupdates::<br />::date_sup|1|piecegroupdates::2015-02-19 11:10:00::/date_sup|1|piecegroupdates::<br />

If I want to retrieve the second date, how do I have to process?

I tried this:  

$value = CCK_Content::getValue( $cell, "date_sup|1|piecegroupdates"); 

but it doesn't work;

Is there other methods to add or erase for example the third parameters of a group fields?

Thank you very much.

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