9 years ago


The purpose of Seblod is to add fields to native Joomla articles so that every seblod content actually is a joomla article. 

Technically Seblod uses the Joomla article INTROTEXT to put its tags (::cck) towards other database tables but this is transparent for the Joomla user. To achieve this goal there is the SEBLOD CONTENT PLUGIN that should be placed at the first position in the content plugins.

In the Acymailing newsletter we can put any joomla article with the TAGS (such as {joomlacontent:493|type:intro|link|pict:resized|maxwidth:150|maxheight:150}) However, EVEN if we activate the "AcyMailing : trigger Joomla Content plugins" in the Acylmailing plugins configuration tab we still have the ::cck in the resulting newsletter if I the "AcyMailing : trigger Joomla Content plugins" is placed before the "AcyMailing Tag : content insertion" plugin. 

If I put it after the "AcyMailing Tag : content insertion " plugin the newsletter template is completely destroyed (the newsletter only displays the seblod/joomla content which is properly parsed and the ::cck removed - but everything else from the template is removed).

I can't use the SEBLOD acymailing plugin (https://www.acyba.com/acymailing/457-acymailing-plugin-seblod.html) since it does't display the standard articles anymore (which are only shown in the Joomla article tab but with the formerly mentioned problem).

Since every seblod content IS a joomla article we should be able to correctly parse the introtext with the SEBLOD content plugin and display the full seblod/joomla content inside the Acymailing newsletter. 

What did I forget please? 

thanks cyril

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