52 Posts
10 years ago

I have the following problem:

Form & Content Type "user" -> SiteForm is my user profile. This works fine.

Now I need a user registration form, but that is completely different in structure than the user profile.

I made a new content type "register", also works well so far, except for the fact that in the cck field of #__ckk_core and #__cck_store_item_users now stands "register" instead of "user".

But because I can no longer edit the user. The Link is now: 




I have the problem solved by I created a field beforeStore, where I changed the type to "user".

$config['type'] = 'user';
$config['post']['config']['type'] = 'user';

So far everything is ok and my register form works.

The primary problem are the file upload fields. I have in the register Form 10 upload fields (type: file).

File Upload configuration:
Folder = images/attach-antrag1/


1 Folder/Content [Yes] [0755] and 1 Folder/User [No]
Result: There is 1 folder created with the new user ID, but only the first upload file saved. The other 9 Upload files not (deleted).

1 Folder/Content [No] [0755] and 1 Folder/User [Yes]
Result: There is no folder created and all 10 Upload files are stored in the root of the imagepath "images/attach-antrag1/".

1 Folder/Content [No] [0755] and 1 Folder/User [No]
Result: There is no folder created and all 10 Upload files are stored in the root of the imagepath "images/attach-antrag1/".

All upload files have as a storage object [none], I must not be stored the files in the User-Profile, but i will save it in an folder.
Reason: sometimes the mail shipping on the exchange server does not always work correctly.

The second problem is that the form validation works, but all fields are now empty and must be filled again.
This is annoying and not professional.
I think the problem is the content type because it is changed by register to user.

How to create a backend form, frontend User-Profile and a registration form with 1 content type "user"?
This is not possible.

Here is missing the opportunity the Content type in the configuration to determine for themselves.
Default content type is the form alias would be important if the cck is changeable. So you could create multiple user forms.

Can someone help me or give a tip what is wrong here?


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