30 Posts
7 years ago

Hello everyone,

As far as i can remember i always had this problem but i would like to fix it now that i migrated to joomla 3.7.5 and seblod 3.13.0 (from Joomla 3.4.3 and Seblod 3.3.7). I didn't find any solution back then and still not now. My sites are running on PHP 5.6, fresh migration (this week) from 5.4.

So here a pic of my front end with my calendar field, on Firefox and Chrome he is almost invisible (very little) and on IE he is totally invisible/not displaying. My firefox and chrome are up to date.

Here you can see the field with the calendar icon that is amost invisible :


Still here you can see that the icon works if you managed to click on it :


Here a pic of my field settings, sorry it's in french but if needed i can translate :


I don't know anything about php, i just managed a bit of html and css for few web portal/redirection.

Do you have any simple idea to get a normal sized calendar icon next to the field ?? like it is supposed to be ?

FYI : I want to fix this because previously with joomla 3.4.3 and seblod 3.3.7, even if my calendar field format was d-m-Y, if a user type 01/01/2017 or 01.01.2017 the form would work, NOW the form dosnt accept anything different of the type of the field : So XX-XX-XXXX. The form send an error 0.

With a calendar icon, i could set the field to Read-Only so users have to click on the calendar and select the date, and it would be by default in the right format.

Hope i was clear, my english is not very good, and hope we can find a fix fast, because customers are already calling me that my form isnt working anymore.

Best regards,

Get a Book for SEBLOD
4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

This problem comes from your template, Seblod uses boostrap and its styles and template needs to have boostrap support to show this icons http://getbootstrap.com/2.3.2/base-css.html#icons

Also you can try with different settings for frontend css that is included ( in seblod component configuration options) to see how different options affect display.

30 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

Hi thanks for the quick reply,

The thing is i used seb_one template to create my form, so i took one that support already bootstrap i suppose no ?

I don't remember doing any modification on templates themself, i just created field with condition on the "site" form. By the way the css used is seb_css3 for this template (in the "template" part of the form).

Do you know why it dosnt work by default ? did i miss something (i think its related to the first part of your reply when you say that my template need to support boostrap).

Unfortunatly i couldnt find seblod>component>configurations>options.  I only found component>seblod>parameters> site; here i could change some css configuration, i switched to seb_css3b and joomla but no difference on the front end side.

I found a field : ModalBox, which offer Jcckmodal(Bootstrap) OR ColorBox(legacy) that was by default. I though it was it, i switched to JcckmodalBootstrap but no difference on the front end :'(

I suppose we are close but as i am a big noob for this kind of thing,i must miss something easy ?

For the last part of your reply, about add font -awesome to field-x, i understand half of what it say/explain so i would like to do it if we really have no other possibilities.

So any idea if i missed something ?

Best regards,

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 3

Hi, try setting "CSS Definitions" to all and CSS Stylesheets to All Views->All. What I meant by template is that Joomla template needs to support Boostrap and it's icons.

30 Posts
7 years ago
Level 4


So i triied what you said but didnt work unfortunatly, here my actuel config : Link

I found another "bootstrap" settings, here a pic : Link 2

I triied multiple value (was 0 by default) but didnt change anything about the calendar icon on the front end :(

Any other ideas ?

Thanks a lot for your help

Best regards,

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 5

You will need to modify css on our site to change icons size, if you don't know how to do this yourself try finding help from someone that knows css.

30 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1


Ok i think i can handle some css modification.

The thing is i don't find the right parameter that control the calendar icon size. I changed almost every value with big ones in the jscal2.css in \plugins\cck_field\calendar\assets\css for example but no change at all on the front end.

Can you be a little more specific about the file/parameter that control the calendar icon size ?


4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

There is no parameter, you need to change css style in files from your template that define this icons size.

30 Posts
7 years ago
Level 3

Ok, indeed i meant "variables" in css files and not parameters.

i found a lot in regards of calendar icon etc.. like this one but it dosnt work (in general.css in my template)

/* Calendar */
a img.calendar {
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
margin-left: 10px;
cursor: pointer;
vertical-align: middle;

Those are my value, they were small by default but it dosnt work.

I also find something in a JSscript that alert me. Is it possible in fact that the calendar icon is not load at all by the JSscript ? -> 

// Set
if ( ! $field->variation ) {
if ( JCck::on() ) {
$form .= '<button id="'.$id.'-trigger"><span></span></button>';
} else {
$form .= '<img src="'.self::$path.'assets/images/calendar.png" alt="Calendar" id="'.$id.'-trigger" />';

Does this mean that if the first condition is true, then the calendar.png won't be load ?

I'm starting to think that the problem is elswhere, that would explain why every modification i have made on all calendar related VAR dosnt work.

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